Announcing the winners of the Fan Art Contest


Liar's key UK coverI’d like to say a big thank you to everyone who took the time and submitted an entry (or more) to this competition. For all of us, might we be other readers, publishers or the author himself, it gives a sense of great excitement and joy to see our favourite characters come to life through the vivid imagination and devoted work of other artists.

Beside the many great pieces I was also often moved by the emails accompanying the works, telling us about how the contest provided inspiration to draw or paint again after a long time, how much enjoyment the work caused to the artists themselves, and of course about how much love they felt toward Mark’s books, something that was also clearly reflected in their creations.

During the competition I also realised that unlike the previous ones I hosted on this site, this one gave an equal opportunity to those international readers, too, whose English might not be very good and read the books in translations. For this reason I would definitely like to repeat this competition next year and moving on also organise more of those that encourage everyone to join in, regardless the language they speak.

From so many excellent entries it was very difficult to choose only three, but we eventually came to the following decision:


The three winners in no particular order are


Fool girl by Pen Astridge



Gorgoth with Jorg’s son by Joyce van Paassen



Snorri and the Graveyard Unborn by John Stewart



The fourth prize, both offered and randomly selected by Mark, goes to entry 9:


Skilfar by Ivenn

Skilfar by Ivenn.

Runner ups (again, in no particular order) were:


The Silent Sister and the Red Queen from a painting in progress by Simon Schmidt

silent sister-sm the red queen-sm.

Aslaug and Snorri by Joel Bastide

Aslaug and Snorri.

The blood of Odin by Ivenn


.Aslaug by Jedidja van Oene

Aslaug - Jedidja van Oene.

Apart from these we very much liked many other entries, please see all of them once again below. I’d like to thank both Jane Johnson & Mark Lawrence for helping with the judging and HarperVoyager for providing the early copies of The Liar’s Key as prizes for this contest.


1. Lisa DeVeer by P.S.



2. Hunted by Alicia Wanstall-Burke



 3. The Locket by Michael McClung

locket prince fools sub


4. The Silent Sister’s Trap by Andrea Luhman



5. Gorgoth with Jorg’s son by Joyce van Paassen

Gorgoth1 Gorgoth2


6. Approaching the Circus by Garrett Rentz

approaching the circus


7. The blood of Odin by Ivenn



8. Prince Jalan on the Balcony by Daniel Brown

Daniel Brown


9. Skilfar by Ivenn



10. Fight by Joy Cronje

Joy Cronje


11. Jalan and Snorri by Noc Tuidus

Jalan and Snorri


12. Chibi Jorg by Kirava1




13. Fool girl by Pen Astridge



14. The Prince on Stage by Nikoletta Lazar



15. Snorri and the Graveyard Unborn by John Stewart



16. Bear, meet Snorri by Marc Esber




17. The Silent Sister’s curse by Leona Henry



18. Is Revenge A Science Or An Art by Nian Vervoort 

Is Revenge A Science Or An Art


19. The Casanova of Vermillion (non-competing entry) by Agnes




20. The Good, The Bad and The Angry by Kareem Freshpots Mahfouz



21. Prince Jalan by Flóra Nagy

Flora Nagy


22. Jorg Ancrath by Jasmin Hierl



23. Aslaug by Jedidja van Oene

Aslaug - Jedidja van Oene


24. The Thorns of the Fool  – Jorg and Jalan by Yasmeen Al-Maimani

Thorns of the fool


25. Jal and Snorri by Clare Henry



26. Aslaug and Snorri by Joel Bastide

Aslaug and Snorri


27. Breaking the Curse with Fexler’s Help by Ivenn

(a scene from the artist’s imagination)



28. The Silent Sister and the Red Queen from a painting in progress by Simon Schmidt

silent sister-sm

the red queen-sm


29. Prince Jalan by Vivien Horváth

Prince Jalan

Jorg and the Dead King by Vivien Horváth

Jorg and Dead King

Jalan and Jorg by Vivien Horváth

Jalan and Jorg


  1. Congratulation to the three winners, those were my favourite entries as well! 🙂 And thank you very much for the fourth prize, I’m still in shock and can’t believe how lucky I am! This was the best surprise ever, I’m so happy and grateful for this contest. Not only it gave me joy and motivation – I am one of those who hasn’t drawn anything in ages -, but it was also a great way to spend my time during my recovery from an accident. I have no idea what I would have done in my bed all day if I hadn’t found this website. So thank you again: Agnes, Mark, Jane and all my fellow contestants as well who gifted us with their amazing arts. I hope I can see more fanarts from all of you in the future, you have amazing skills and styles!!


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